भलै सरकारी तथ्यांकमा नेपालमा थोरै मात्र कोरोना संक्रमित भेटिएका हुन्, रोजगारी र उच्च अध्ययनका खातिर दूरदेशसम्म पुगेका नेपालीमा महामारीको जोखिमका कारण यतिबेला मातृभूमि ठूलो चिन्तामा छ ।
The top five destination countries for Nepalis have already gone to complete coronavirus lockdown, drastically disrupting the lives of their many foreign workers.
Women migrants acquire expertise and financial independence abroad but on return, they find themselves trapped in a social order that does not value their talent.
कुवेतको एउटा आवास निर्माण कम्पनीमा बालुवा र ढुङ्गाको ढिस्कोले पुरिएर छजना नेपाली कामदारले ज्यान गुमाएपछि त्यसले श्रमिक सुरक्षाको सवालमा गम्भीर प्रश्नहरू खडा गरेको जानकारहरूले बताएका छन्।
The Southeast Asian country, one of the most favoured work destinations among Nepalis, is in negotiations to hire nearly 150,000 Pakistani security guards.
The gathering of data on Nepali citizens, who have been to foreign countries and returned home after completing their term, has finally become possible after installation of ‘Nepali Port’—a software at the Immigration Office of the Tribhuvan International Airport.
पछिल्लो एक दशकको अवधिमा वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा रहेकामध्ये झण्डै साढे सात हजारभन्दा बढी आप्रवासी नेपाली कामदारले ज्यान गुमाएका छन् । वैदेशिक रोजगार बोर्डले सार्वजनिक गरेको एक तथ्याङ्कअनुसार आर्थिक वर्ष २०६५/६६ देखि २०७५/७६ सम्म आइपुग्दा सात हजार ४ सय ५५ नेपाली कामदारले विभिन्न कारणबाट ज्यान गुमाएका छन् । यस अवधिमा १ सय ७१ महिला र सात हजार २ सय ८४ पुरुषले ज्यान गुमाएका छन् ।
Gokarna Bista won plaudits for pushing reforms and taking on the foreign employment cartels, but fell prey to entrenched interests and political horsetrading.
On May 17, 2018, the government decided to scrap all the fees levied on Nepali migrant workers under various headings as part of the Malaysian government’s one-sided policy.
The state had hoped that by increasing the guarantee amount it would bring down the number of agencies, hence lowering incidences of workers being cheated.
According to government statistics, for the past two consecutive years, less and less Nepali workers are applying for jobs in Gulf countries and Malaysia.