
Contribution Based Social Security Rules, 2018 (2075)

Contribution Based Social Security Rules 2017 (2074) came into effect on November 2018 (2075). The Social Security Regulations provides measures for the implementation of provisions made in Social Security Act.

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Labour Rules, 2018 (2075)

The Government of Nepal enacted the new Labor Rules 2075 (2018) on May 27, 2018, which are formulated under the new Labor Act 2074 (2017). The Labor Rules revoked the previous Labor Rules 2050 (1993).

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Labour Act, 2074 (2017)

The Labor Act, 2017 (2074) was passed by the Parliament on August 11, 2017 (Shrawan 27, 2074) and has revoked the Labor Act 1992 (2048).

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Contribution Based Social Security Act, 2017 (2074)

Contribution Based Social Security Act 2017 (2074) came into effect on November 2017 (2074). The Act , as envisioned by the Constitution of Nepal, confers upon the people rights to welfare of various kinds as one of their fundamental rights.

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Constitution of Nepal, 2015

The constitution of Nepal was promulgated on 20 September 2015 (2072). It consists of 35 parts, 308 Articles and 9 Schedules.

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Child Labour Act, 2000

This act was implemented to abolish child labour.

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Labour Rules, 1993

Labour Rules, 1993 were framed by the government to exercise the powers conferred by the Labor Act, 2049. It lays down the rules regarding the following: employment security of profession and service; remuneration and welfare arrangements; arrangements relating to health, sanitation and safety; and those relating to committees and officers and other miscellaneous government powers.

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Trade Union Act, 1992

To ensure the rights of the labour and self-employed persons, this act was made. ‘Preamble : Whereas it is expedient to make legal provision regarding registration, operation of Trade Union and other necessary provisions relating to it for the protection and promotion of professional and occupational rights of the persons engaging in self-employment and the workers working in various industry, trade, profession or service in Enterprises or outside the Enterprises.’

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Labour Act, 1992

The Act was made to provide for labour.‘Preamble: Whereas it is expedient to make timely provisions relating to labour by making provisions for the rights, 'interests, facilities and safety of workers and employees working in enterprises of various sectors.’

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Bonus Act, 2030

This act was introduced to provide for distribution of bonus to the workers and the personnel who are working in a nenterprise. In addtion, this act also defines the workers and the enterprises. Furthermore, the act also clarifies the eligibility for obtaining bonus.

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