The government has been urged to provide social security to home based workers. Home Net Nepal (HNN), along with Nepal Trade Union Congress-Independent (NTUC-I) and General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (Gefont) will be organising various programmes on October 20 to observe first Home Based Workers (HBW) Day in Kathmandu.
The activities are supposed to be helpful in highlighting and recognising home based workers as an important stakeholder in national economic mainstream.
"Minimum protection like minimum remuneration, health and safety and social protection in the areas of maternity, child-care, skill development and literacy programme has to be ensured for home based workers as done with other industrial labourers," programme manager for Home Net Nepal (HNN) Sabitri Neupane said, adding that their contribution is not recorded or even appreciated despite its important role in the economy.
Home-based workers lack not only social security but also basic human rights.
The event is supposed to witness participation of home based workers and activists from South Asia and abroad.
“We demand social security for domestic helps in accordance with International Labour Organisation Convention," she added.
Published on: 19 October 2011 | The Himalayan Times