
Gender inequality in wages highest in Nepal‚ reports ILO

In Nepal‚ male-female inequality in wages is among the highest (40.5 per cent) but among lowest when it comes to labour force participation (7.4 percentage points)

Women are paid almost half the wages compared to their male counterparts, according to International Labour Organisation (ILO) report.

“In Nepal, male-female inequality in wages is among the highest (40.5 per cent) but among the lowest when it comes to labour force participation (7.4 percentage points),” said the Asia-Pacific Labour Market Update published by the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific today.
Whereas in Sri Lanka, the situation seems reversed; although the wage gap is relatively low at 10.7 per cent, the difference in male-female labour force participation rates is a striking 34 percentage points.
Progress on tackling persistent gender equalities must also not be lost, it said, adding that the region’s informal economy remains massive. Extending affordable social protection can help create resilience, reduce poverty, boost domestic consumption and strengthen social stability, while preparing for tomorrow’s ageing workforce.
The region must not lose the economic and social gains it has made, it said, “Policy makers must base their strategies to reinvigorate economic growth on job creation, social inclusion and better regional integration.”
Young people require particular attention; youth unemployment is disproportionately high, yet renewed economic growth will depend on their skills, drive and talent for innovation. Small and medium-sized enterprises are region’s main engine of job creation and it will be critical to unlock potential with properly designed finance and support services.
Green jobs and industries are one area of opportunity — leveraging the shift towards a low-carbon, sustainable development path.
The report revealed that the quality of jobs is also tied to wages and earnings, and strong labour market institutions are critical to this end. Among a sample of Asian developing countries where data are available, annual average real wage growth lagged behind productivity growth in a majority during the past decade, the report said.
The ILO 15th Asia and Pacific regional meeting that is taking place in Kyoto, Japan, on December 4-7 is discussing on these issues.
Published on: 2 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times

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