The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training has issued three times more skill certificates during last fiscal compared to the previous year. The certificate recognises that a person is capable of working as a driver, auto mechanic, dairy technician, electrician, livestock technician among others and qualifies them to apply for jobs in governmental and non-governmental sectors.
Of the 43,905 candidates who took the test, 37,575 received certificates from council’s National Skill Testing Board during 2010/11 fiscal year. During the previous fiscal, of 17,036 who had applied for the certification, only 14,412 were successful.
“Donor-funded vocational training projects have also played a significant role in helping people acquire skills,” said Rajendra Karki, spokesperson for CTEVT.
Having a skill certificate increases the prospects of landing a job and getting promoted even if one is already employed, the council said.
“Junior level employees in the army, police and bureaucracy can make themselves eligible for promotion by submitting skill certificates,” said Karki. “They can be promoted up to technical officer,” he added.
The certificates, recognised by Public Service Commission, are meant to provide recognition to skills acquired through vocational training. The council conducts tests for 237 skills.
Published on: 20 August 2011 | The Himalayan Times