The International Money Express (IME) has handed an assistant of Rs 100,000 to Shyam Kumar Shrestha of Gorkha for medical treatment after The Kathmandu Post published a report on his condition.
Shrestha returned from Malaysia with a critical leg injury. He had been going from door to door seeking help for the treatment of his right leg. Doctors had asked Shrestha to replace the steel planted in his right leg. His treatment prolonged due to the lack of money. IME said the help given to Shrestha was continuity of its work on social welfare. It said the assistance is an honour to the contribution of Nepali migrant workers. IME also said it would give continuity to this tradition of helping foreign employees in dire need of help. Shyam thanked both the Post and the IME for the support.
Published on: 1 December 2011 | The Kathmandu Post