Ministry of Labour and Transport Management is starting online foreign job permit process from next month as a drive to control bribes in Department of Foreign Employment. National Vigilance Centre had advised the government to control illegal economic activities using modern technology in the department last month.
The ministry is starting online job permit application process from December, said Dr Ramhari Aryal, secretary at the ministry. “We have completed all technical preparations,” he said adding that the process in trail phase.
Currently, technicians are giving trainings to department officials and outsourcing agencies to use the online application system. It will take almost one month to train over 800 outsourcing agencies.
Growing frauds in foreign employment sector has attracted the government in action. Fraud cases registered in the department has touched all time high 238 cases in Bharda (mid-August to mid-September) while the recorded fraud cases were 64 in the same month last year. Prime Minister Dr Babu Ram Bhattrai has directed the labour ministry to take all measures to reduce fraud prevalent in the sector in August. The government has formed a committee under Dr Ganesh Gurung to advise fraud controlling measures about a month ago.
The committee has prepared a report that has also suggested the government to use technology– close circuit television (CC TV)and online application process– to control bribes and other irregularities. However, the committee has not submitted middle and long-term measures. We are preparing detail report, said a member of committee. According to him, the committee is advising the government to restructure of the department and its decentralization.
Suggestions of National vigilance Centre and the committee is coming to the department through PM office and they are implementing it. We have installed five CC TVs in department last week, said Kashi Raj Dahal, director at the department. “It covers prior and final job permit issuing rooms and peripheries,” he said. According to the ministry, the foreign job permit approval can be watched in immigration office at Tribhuvan International Airport, Nepali embassies at destination countries and the ministries– Ministry of Labour and Transport Management and Ministry Foreign Affair. “It will help to control illegal migration through fake job permit,” said Aryal. Fake permit bearers will be stop at the airport.”
However, it is not easy to control frauds and embezzlements in foreign employment through modern technologies. Different nexuses of the government officials, politicians and outsourcing agencies are active in the business from years. National vigilance Centre and the ministry are regularly monitoring to control the activities of such nexuses, said Aryal.
Published on: 31 October 2011 | The Himalayan Times