The Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police has arrested Preeti Rai Subba of Sikkim, India, for using a forged Nepali passport to go abroad for employment.
CIA arrested Subba upon her arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport from Kuwait yesterday after the Nepali Embassy in Kuwait sent her back upon finding her in possession of a forged passport.
According to CIB, Preeti possessed a passport numbered No 3395115, issued in the name of Savitri Kumari Chhetri of Panchanagar-2, Nawalparasi, but Savitri’s photo replaced with hers.
“The passport details show that Preeti had flown to Kuwait on October 31 via Mumbai to work as a housemaid,” a CIB official informed.
Interestingly, the woman failed to produce the passport when the CIB sought the travel paper and said she had handed it over to an an immigration official, Bishnu Prakash Acharya, at the airport’s Counter No 6. An immigration official said, “We seized her passport for examination, but the woman managed to escape.” Subba told CIB that Panchu Pradhan and Sabita, a couple based in Sikkim, had sent her to Kuwait by forging the Nepali passport for IRs 5,000. “A large number of Nepali and Indian women have reached Kuwait with forged Nepali passports and are working in subhuman conditions,” she said. The woman’s husband, Ganesh Subba of Panchthar- 8, Phidim, is said to staying in Sikkim at present. CIB has handed her to Kathmandu police for further investigation.
Published on: 17 November 2011 | The Himalayan Times