Three and a half years after the murder of Ganesh Bahadur Basnet, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has formally asked the Nepali mission in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to find out the status of his corpse. Basnet was killed by his fellow Durga Bahadur Sunar in January 2009.
At the request of the Basnet family, the MoFA has asked the Nepali mission in the UAE to find out the status of his corpse. However, both the ministry and mission are clueless about it so far.
“It will be certainly difficult to find out the status of the body after so many years. We are not in the condition to say anything until we locate the corpse,” said Dilip Poudel, Consular Section chief at the MoFA. The ministry officials told the Post that the mission has been searching for the corpse.
The ministry has been negotiating with Basnet’s parents to pardon Sunar. The officials said they were trying their best to make an agreement between the two parties, possibly through restitution.
“The Basnet family has said they will help Sunar come out of jail though they have lost their son. The Sunar family is willing to help the Basnet family financially,” said Poudel. However, there has been no talk regarding the figure of blood money.
Ganesh’s parents knew about the death of their only son after the Consular Section informed them three and a half years after the incident.
The ministry and its mission came across Basnet’s death while dealing with the death penalty of another Nepali Durga Bahadur Sunar seven months ago. A UAE regional court had served death penalty to Sunar for killing Basnet.
Basnet, who went to the UAE in 2004, was murdered over a trifle issue.
According to MoFA officials, the court has given September deadline to Sunar family to make an agreement with the victim’s family for amnesty as per the UAE laws. Sunar will be released from jail if Basnet’s family pardons him.
Published on: 13 July 2012 | The Kathmandu Post