A free mobile health camp organised at the Shree Mili Hanuman Brick Kiln at Jhaukhel, Bhaktapur found that around 75 per cent of workers suffered from acute back pain, arthritis, high or low blood pressure and gastritis, raising serious concerns about the poor who are forced to work in squalid conditions to make their ends meet.
Most of the workers complained of chronic back pain, said Dr Shailendrabir Karmacharya. He said the pain was due to lifting heavy weight on a daily basis. The one-day heath camp was organised by Concern Nepal, an NGO working for children, underprivileged people, which provides health services and counselling to brick kiln workers. Dr Karmacharya said workers were ill because of their inadequate food intake. “As many as 56 workers at the kiln were found to be suffering from respiratory problems due to excessive smoke and dust in the ill-managed brick kiln,” said Dr Karmacharya.
Dr Nura Pradhan, a gynaecologist at the Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital, Thapathali, said early marriage was the main cause behind problems related to reproductive health of many women workers in the brick kiln. General Physician Dr Sunil Dangol also treated workers.
Kanchha Kasichhawa, proprietor of the brick kiln, said around 200 workers had benefited from the free health camp, sponsored by Save the Children.
Earlier, in Jaya Bajra Brick Kiln of Bhaktapur too, most of the workers had complained of back pain during a free health camp. The district houses as many as 74 brick kilns
Published on: 17 March 2013 | The Himalayan Times