Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police on Friday nabbed Pema Lama, 28, who was convicted of fraud by the Foreign Employment Tribunal, from Jorpati and produced him before Kathmandu District Court. Lama, a permanent resident of Phalate-7, Kavre, who is currently living in Nayabasti, Boudha, was at large for a long. Convicting him of fraud in the name of providing foreign jobs to aspirants, the Foreign Employment Tribunal had slapped an 18-month jail sentence and Rs 150,000 fine on him on September 19, 2011. Lama was operating a manpower agency without obtaining a licence from authorities. Lama had swindled Rs 350,000 from Tirth Ghising, assuring him of a lucrative job in Hong Kong but failed in his promise and was on the run. The tribunal had ordered the authorities to make Lama pay the money back to the victims, along with Rs 675,000 as compensation and fine.
Published on: 21 September 2013 | The Himalayan Times