The government has requested the labour receiving countries in the Gulf region not to give entry to Nepali women to work in the domestic sector. The move, which comes as an extension of the existing ban on Nepali women to work in the Gulf states, is aimed at preventing Nepali housemaids from entering the Gulf countries through illegal channels.
“We have written to the Nepali missions in the Gulf countries asking them to inform about the ban to the concerned governments,” said State Minister for Labour Tek Bahadur Gurung.
In a letter dispatched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, Nepali missions in the Gulf are directed to request the labour destinations to cooperate until the government formulates guidelines for domestic workers and signs a separate labour pact on domestic workers. The ministry has also asked the missions to strictly stop issuing accreditation to demand letters for Nepali housemaids.
State Minister Gurung said the decision to request governments in the Gulf countries is well-intended. He said the ban is “temporary” and will be lifted once it sets up proper mechanism to ensure their safety and security. The Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) had imposed a ban on Nepali maids to work in the Gulf countries since June 14 amid increasing concerns over abuse and exploitation.
Ministry officials said they realised the need to request the labour receiving countries as it found many women traveling via Indian airports. As a result, the ban was making little sense as the labour receiving nations were giving permission to the undocumented workers.
MoLE Spokesperson Buddhi Bahadur Khadka said the ban will last until the ministry comes up with a long-term solution. He said the ministry is planning to sign an agency agreement between the recruiting agencies of two countries along with labour pacts to facilitate the recruitment process.
“There will be no ban of any nature after we sign proposed memorandum of understanding with the Gulf countries. This ban is just an interim measure to protect women against trafficking,” said Gurung.
The government has also initiated diplomatic process to sign labour agreement for domestic workers. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Malaysia are expected to sign labour agreements with Nepal this year. Nepal has not signed separate labour agreement for domestic workers with any country so far.
Though an exact record is hard to come by, unofficial data shows some 250,000 Nepali women work as domestic help in the Gulf countries. Some 50,000 undocumented Nepali housemaids works in Saudi Arabia, according to the Nepali Embassy in Riyadh.
Published on: 2 September 2014 | The Kathmandu Post