Dev Raj Neupane, 27, of Chandrauta village in Birpur VDC is among the many youths, who succeeded in reinventing their lives back home after working abroad for years. After working for five years in an automobile company in Qatar, Neupane now runs his own motorbike repair centre in his village and is contended more than ever with his income.
According to Neupane, he invested around Rs 1 million in the motorbike repair centre and his business is earning him a good income. Neupane runs the repair centre on the ground floor of his house. He said he also deals in motorbike parts.
“Had I known the prospects of running my own business in Nepal, I would never have decided to go abroad for employment. I now earn Rs 30,000 a month,” said Neupane.
Recalling his days in Qatar, Neupane says he would never go abroad for employment again. “I did earn some money but I always pined to be in my own place. Finally, I decided to call it quits,” said Neupane.
Neupane was not a trained mechanic but learnt to repair vehicles while working in Qatar. “I will not leave my country even if a foreign company promises me a higher salary,” said Neupane. Besides setting an example, Neupane also suggests other youths in his village not to go abroad for employment.
Published on: 1 September 2013 | Republica