India has agreed to evacuate the Nepalis trapped in the midst of the ongoing sectarian violence in Iraq. “India is ready to assist Nepali nationals caught in Iraq strife in accordance with the request from Nepal government,” Sayed Akbaruddin, spokesperson at India’s Ministry of External Affairs Ministry, said during a press briefing in New Delhi on Tuesday.
Akbaruddin added that India will give equal priority while rescuing Nepali nationals from Iraq, and assured to safely repatriate the Nepalis along with the Indians. Since Nepal does not have its dedicated mission in Iraq, the Nepal government had requested the Indian government to help evacuate its citizens from the embattled cities of Iraq. Apart from its mission in Baghdad, India has also dispatched a separate team to rescue its citizens.
Meanwhile, Special Representative of the Foreign Ministry for the Welfare of the Nepalese Living in Iraq, Arjun Kanta Mainali, left for Kuwait on Tuesday to expedite and coordinate in the evacuation process of Nepalis trapped in Iraq.
Mainali will facilitate and recommend the government about the ground situation in Iraq, advise the government to take necessary measures where as necessary, and coordinate the evacuation and rescue works, said Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Dipak Dhital.
Three escape to Kurdistan
Four among seven Nepali workers trapped in Tikrit of war-torn Iraq for past three weeks have safely reached Kurdistan. One of the workers, Santosh Lamichhane, confirmed over the phone that they reached Kurdistan with the help of a Iraqi national, who runs a hotel there.
All four of them were employed in a Tikrit-based hotel. They were left in the lurch after their employer fled the city. Three other Nepalis who fled to safety include Ajit Tamang of Okhaldhunga, Prakash Bishwokarma of Chitwan and Dhan Bahadur BK of Rukum.
Lamichhane, who hails from Kaski district, said three other Nepalis—Pres Giri of Jhapa, Mohan Kumar Basnet of Morang and Top Bahadur Basnet of Dang— are still trapped in Tikrit. A rebel group had reportedly detained them fro six hours on Monday. Giri said although they were in constant contact with the Nepali missions in Kuwait and Pakistan, help has not arrived.
Published on: 2 July 2014 | The Kathmandu Post