Majority of foreign job migrants from Nepal in the first eight months of the current fiscal year were from Dhanusha district, followed by Jhapa, Morang and Siraha.
According to the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE) data, altogether 12,782 people from Dhanusha district migrated to 13 different countries for job placement within past eight months. The number is 5.01 per cent of the total 254,832 people who migrated for foreign employment during the given period. From Dhanusha district, 5,725 people went to Qatar, whereas 3,155, 2,620, 734 and 472 migrated to Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates (UAE), respectively. Out of total migrants, 31 were women.
Similarly, between July 16, 2013 to March 14, 2014 — Jhapa, Morang and Siraha districts recorded 11,120, 10,545 and 10,226 people leaving the country for foreign jobs. From Jhapa, 4,474 people went to Malaysia, 2,679 to Qatar, 1,869 to UAE, 1,719 to Saudi Arabia and 222 to Kuwait. People from this eastern district migrated to 15 various countries. Among total migrants from Jhapa, 687 were women. Migrants from Jhapa comprised 4.36 per cent of the total migrants within eight months.
Moreover, 10,545 foreign job migrants from Morang went to 19 destination countries, among which 4,606 got placement in Malaysia whereas, 2,511 are employed in Qatar, 1,840 in Saudi Arabia, 1,253 in UAE and 178 in Kuwait. Out of total migrants from Morang, 470 are female. The foreign job migrants from Morang make 4.13 per cent of the total number.
Similarly, 10,226 people from Siraha migrated to 11 countries, of which Qatar followed by Saudi Arabia and Malaysia were the prime destinations — employing 4,666, 2,557 and 2,389 Siraha residents. Whereas, 331 and 258 people from the district left for UAE and Kuwait, respectively. Out of total migrants from Siraha, only six were women. Of the total job migrants, slightly more than four per cent were from Siraha.
Meanwhile, within this tenure of eight months, least people migrated from Dolpa district for foreign job placement. Out of 12 total migrants, five got placement in Malaysia and four in Saudi Arabia. The proportion migration from Dolpa is only 0.004 per cent.
Of the total migrants, 245,965 were male and 8,867 were female.
Malaysia was the prime destination and provided job opportunities to more than 114000 Nepalis whereas 62,011, 43,145, 25,506 and 5,821 people are employed in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait, respectively.
Malaysia was the workplace destination for 101,509 Nepalis during the corresponding period last year.
Published on: 18 March 2014 | The Himalayan Times