The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of the Nepal Police has arrested Sashidhar Khadka, 26, originally from Shari-4 of Pyuthan, for collecting more than Rs 50,00,000 from various persons promising to provide them employment in foreign countries.
According to Krishna Kumar Mahat, Deputy Superintendent of the Police (DSP), a team of CIB Police arrested Khadka from his office at Sitapaila-2, Kathmandu on Thursday and has been sent to Foreign Employment Department for further investigation.
Khadka was running an NGO named Swargadwari Human Welfare Centre and had collected Rs 270,000 each from more than 20 to 25 people promising them employment in countries like Japan, Canada and Switzerland.
According to the police, Khadka had claimed that his organization had the special authority to select people from the poor and marginalized communities for foreign employment. Police has seized 12 passports, documents, and Rs 100,000 from the office.
Published On: 24 November 2012 | Republica