After completing paddy plantation in their farmlands, hundreds of people from the Mid and Far Western districts are flocking to India in search of job opportunities.
These seasonal migrant workers from remote areas in the districts work for few months in India and return home to celebrate Dashain and Tihar festivals every year.
Man Bahadur Khadka of Mahendranagar was heading towards India along with his wife and two children when this scribe met him at the Nepal- India border on Wednesday. “I am going to Himachal in search of job opportunities as paddy plantation is over. I will return home to celebrate Dashain,” he said.
According to Khadka, Nepalis work mostly in apple farms and road repairing and construction projects in Himachal.
He said he was taking his wife and children with him to India as he found it difficult to leave them behind. “My wife will cook food and look after the kids,” he said. Janak Chand, a Gaddachauki-based trader, said many migrant workers are seen going to India these days. “Only pilgrims were seen returning home till the last week of June,” he said.
Delhi, Mumbai, Kumaon, Gadawal as well other cities in Himachal Pradesh are the major destinations for these workers. “We cannot get job opportunities in Nepal. If we work in India for three months, we can feed out families for at least six months,” said Buddhiman Chaudhary of Kailali, who was leading a group of 19 youths to India . The mass exodus of the Nepali workers also includes schoolchildren.
Published on: 14 July 2013 | The Kathmandu Post