Delhi police have arrested Narain Thapa, a resident of Satasi Dham village in Jhapa district, for allegedly running a trafficking racket. Cops have also rescued 29-year-old Bhujanti Rai from the accused’s wrongful confinement, according to a press release issued by Delhi police here today.
Narain had kept Rai, a resident of Sikkim, in an apartment in Kachchi Colony, Madanpur Khadar area of the Indian capital. Delhi police had carried out a raid when they received a tip-off that a woman was wrongly confined.
Narain had called her on the pretext of sending her to Saudi Arabia and deceitfully cheated her of INRs 25, 000, the police said in the release. The accused allegedly wanted to send the victim to a gulf country with false identity and fake visa and passport.
“When she refused and wanted to go back home, he threatened to take her life and confined her to the rented house,” the release read. “Narain Thapa is found to be involved in illegal human trafficking and has sent many persons of Nepali and Indian origins to Arabian countries. Delhi police has lodged an FIR against the accused.
Published on: 13 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times