The open border between Nepal and India is becoming a major reason behind criminal activities in Bara and Parsa districts, police said. Hundreds of criminal activities, including abduction, murder, smuggling of arms and drug, human trafficking, explosions and cross-border movement of fake currencies, have been reported in the past three years in the two districts, making them a ‘sensitive area’ in terms of security.
Police also said around 200 Indian nationals were arrested for being involved in criminal activities and more than 12 criminals, who were taking shelter in India, have been killed in police action in the same period, police said. Chief District Officer in Bara Parshuram Aryal said one of the main reasons behind criminal activities in the district is the open border between the two countries. He also said Indian police have started cooperating with Nepali security personnel to curb such activities lately.
Indian police officials have recently pledged to minimise the cases of harassment at the border against Nepalis returning home from India, he added. Senior Superintendent of Police Sarbendra Khanal said Nepali security agencies are facing a challenge as many of criminals take shelter in India after committing crimes in Nepal. “That’s why cooperation from Indian police is required to control criminal activities in Nepal,” he said.
He stressed on the need to hold regular meeting between security officials of both the countries on border security and to keep records of movement of people crossing the border.
Local authorities said people in both sides of the border can benefit from the open border if a strong monitoring mechanism is introduced. According to Birgunj Chamber of Commerce and Industry, one-third of around 40,000 people working in industries in Bara at present are Indian nationals. Likewise, a large number of Nepalis also enter India in search of job opportunities every year.
Published on: 22 September 2014 | The Kathmandu Post