There is no doubt, that vying for studies abroad has become a trend in our country. Moreover, it is a matter of great pride for parents when they can say that their son or daughter is studying in foreign countries. Sure, studying abroad sounds amazing. However, sometimes, abroad study is overrated.
It is obvious that acquiring education in foreign land provides unique opportunities. Knowing people of diverse countries and cultures broadens one’s mind. Additionally, language skills obtained while studying abroad benefits students throughout their life. Students also get the time and opportunity to travel within and around the country armed with a student discount card. And after studies, foreign degrees also help students impress future employees. Living abroad, away from home also teaches people to take care of themselves and resolve their own affairs. It helps cultivate independence. Furthermore, students learn more about their own culture as they become a fish out of water with the peculiar opportunity to look back into their tank.
Nevertheless, living in an alien land might not always an awesome experience for all. Many students face a cultural shock when they are uprooted from their secure home country, surroundings and culture. Yakub Kapri, shares his experience from Finland. He says, “I was overwhelmed trying to submerge into Finnish culture.” Similarly, Diwash Rai, who recently went to the UK says, “Familiar sights, sounds and smells are no longer around and small things can easily upset a person.” In addition, separation from families and friends may cause pain when a loved one is terminally ill. For many, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to see meet their dying family members and relative due to economic and time constraints.
Last but not the least, managing funds is the most difficult part. When I Skype with friends abroad, they mostly share their tales of economic hardships. They not only have to work to pay their tuition fees but also have to manage their money due to the high costs of living. Most of the students work at nightclubs, restaurants and hotels. To be honest, they skip class to go for miserable arduous part-time jobs. Even when their tuition fee is exempted, some students work for 24 hours without sleep to compensate their living expenses. At times like these, they regret leaving their home. It is far more difficult for those who pay tuition fees.
Starting the journey to study in a foreign land is not an easy way. But one should use one’s own discretion to study abroad after analysing all aforementioned realities so that they do not get depressed later on or regret their decision. Nonetheless, the advantages that come with foreign studies outweigh other minor difficulties.
Published on: 6 October 2014 | The Kathmandu Post