The Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies (Nafea) on Saturday ended the ongoing protest after the government agreed to address its “valid demands”.
According to Nafea General Secretary Rohan Gurung, the two sides signed a 25-point agreement that includes enforcing free visa and air ticket “on trial” for three months. An 11-member high-level panel will be set up to study the viability of free visa and ticket provision.
The panel, which will also comprise Nefea representatives, will visit seven labour destination to find out reactions of the host governments and employers to the new rules. The provision will be reviewed based on panel’s report, Gurung said. Similarly, another panel will probe into legality of VLN Nepal, an agency tasked with visa processing by the Malaysian embassy.
The free visa, ticket provision will, however, remain till the committee submit its report. “The recruiting agencies will resume sending people from Sunday and will follow the new rules, “ Gurung said.
Published on: 26 July 2015 | The Kathmandu Post