
Rs 10m raised to save a Nepali facing death


The ‘Save Anish Campaign’ has successfully raised Rs 10 million in ‘blood money’ to save the life of Anish Khaling Rai, a Nepali migrant worker, who faces death sentence in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  

A lower court in Abu Dhabi, UAE has sentenced Rai to death on July 5, 2013 for his involvement in the murder of a Pakistani national.

Rai, 23, of Matshyapokhari in Sankhuwasabha district, was arrested and jailed since October 25, 2012 after the Pakistani with whom he had a fight in a restaurant died later. He had gone to the UAE to work as a domestic helper two years ago. The UAE court has demanded Rs 8.6 million as ‘blood money’ to save Khaling.

A committee of the campaign informed about the collection at a press conference organised in Kathmandu on Sunday. The campaign was started in January after the Rai family made a request for contribution to pay off ‘blood money’ to save Anish. The Rai family received an overwhelming support from Nepali living around the globe.

Speaking to the reporters, Narad Rai, coordinator of the campaign, urged the government to take diplomatic initiatives to send the collected amount to the UAE court. The remaining amount will be handed over to the Khaling family, informed the committee.

National anthem writer Byakul Maila handed over ‘blood money’, collected from various parts of the world under the campaign’s initiation, to Khaling’s wife Rabita and mother Dik Maya Rai on Sunday. Sankhuwasabha Society Hong Kong had collected Rs 1.81 million, and the Kirat Religion and Literature Development Association Hong Kong mustered Rs 129,000 for the purpose.

Likewise, Nepali living in Kuwait, Australia and Belgium raised over Rs 1 million, Rs 522,000 and Rs 142,000 respectively to support the cause.

Published on: 3 March 2014 | The Kathmandu Post

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