Police have filed a case against one Kabita Ghimire who was arrested on the charge of trafficking a 17-year-old girl of Gumba VDC-1 three weeks ago.
Ghimire, a resident of Baramchi VDC-2, was arrested while taking the girl to Kathmandu with a false promise of job opportunities abroad. Police said Ghimire with the help of Ram Bahadur Tamang of Gumba VDC-1 was trying to send the girl abroad illegally. Police said the accused also tried to procure citizenship card for the girl by faking her date of birth.
While the girl is under the care of a rehabilitation centre in the district headquarters, three other accused, including Ram Bahadur, are at large.
Police claimed Ram Bahadur is involved a racket to send girls to Gulf countries illegally from India. He is also said to have sent Gimire to Kuwait illegally last year. Ghimire was rescued some months ago.
Published on: 5 June 2014 | The Kathmandu Post