The Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police arrested Muna Malla (20) of Butwal2, Rupandehi, with a forged passport after she was deported from Kuwait by the Nepali Embassy there yesterday. Malla was sent back after the embassy found her possessing a passport issued in the name of Surajmani Rajbanshi of Amardaha8 of Morang. According to CIB, Malla had flown to Kuwait to work as domestic help by forgers a few months ago.
The racketeers replaced Rajbanshi’s photo with that of Malla on the passport to show the underage girl was eligible for employment. Anyone under 21 is prohibited from travelling abroad for employment. During interrogation, she said that Ratan Limbi had given her the passport and visa for IRs 5,000. She has been handed over to Metropolitan Police Range, Hanumandhoka.
Published on: 1 February 2012 | The Himalayan Times