The Central Investigation Bureau of the Nepal Police has foiled an attempt of two overseas employment agents to illegally send two women to Oman. Based on special intelligence, the CIB detained Nisha Pandey, 26, of Gorkha and Shashi Kala Rai, 32, of Morang along with their agents at the Tribhuvan International Airport.
Bimal Jung Thapa, 50, of Kathmandu and Ram Chandra Kafle, 50, of Tehrathum are accused of attempting to take the women to Oman illegally. Thapa is director of International Job Link, an overseas employment agency in Kathmandu, whereas Kafle is its agent.
When the police stopped the women at the TIA asking for their work permits from the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE), they admitted to being taken to Oman via the United Arab Emirates on a tourist visa.
The CIB claims that the TIA has been a major hub for transporting Nepali women by the international human trafficking mafia.
The CIB has rescued around 40 women from the TIA in the last six months.
Those rescued and arrested were handed over to the DoFE for legal action.
Published on: 10 July 2012 | The Kathmandu Post