Author(s): Joelle Mak, Ligia Kiss and Cathy Zimmerman
Year of Publication: 2019
Published by: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
The South Asia Work in Freedom Transnational Evaluation (SWiFT) is a five-year programme of research and evaluation funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID/UKAID). SWiFT assesses and informs the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) DFIDfunded Work in Freedom (WiF) multi-country intervention to minimise women’s vulnerability to labour trafficking in South Asia and the Middle East. SWiFT Nepal was conducted in three of the five districts where the WiF programme was operating: Chitwan, Rupandehi and Morang. In Nepal, SWiFT was designed to inform the WiF programme and other trafficking prevention programmes on the nature and scale of adverse migration outcomes; factors that increase or decrease a woman’s risk of being trafficked; prospective women migrants’ pre-departure knowledge and decision making and examine the potential influence of WiF’s communitybased programmes to foster safer labour migration. This report aims to summarise this body of research and consider the implications of the findings.