The primary aim of this task is to create a comprehensive learning document based on the activities carried out by SaMi during the third phase of its implementation.
The major objective of this study was to examine the policy gaps and provide recommendations to address the issue of migrant’s workers based on the data/information available with PNCC.
The key objective of this assignment is to: identify extent, circumstances, factors and nature of informality and decent work deficits in garbage collection, cleaning, and sanitation sector in Nepal.
The overall objective of the assignment is to assess the extent to which available data, nationally prioritized SDG targets and indicators in Nepal (at national and local levels) are disaggregated by gender and other variables e.g., caste/social and economic status, region and other social variables as required by the SDGs and specifically related to women migrant workers.
The overall objective of this particular assignment is to generate evidence to build competencies for future skill requirements, support the stakeholders and returnee migrant workers and their family members who were affected by the pandemic through identification of enterprise skillset needs in the field of work, demand needs and support in the design and delivery of relevant reintegration activities.
This study conducts an Assessment of Labour Administration in Nepal, which will provide recommendations to strengthen the labour administration system and equip it to enable efficient and effective service delivery (organization, management, procedural system, staff training, action taken, etc.) in line with the provisions of ILO Convention No. 150, Labour Administration, 1978, and as envisioned in the Constitution of Nepal, 2015.
Migrant workers, including Nepali labour migrants, are among the most affected by the health and economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has further exacerbated the migrant worker’s access to justice which was already a significant challenge before the pandemic. This study looked at the impact of COVID-19 crisis on Nepali migrant workers in four major destinations - Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
Studies have highlighted the integral role of newspapers and other news media as the central and often the most trusted source of information about policies and social issues for the public. The media portrayal and framing of the news coverage on human trafficking including the portrayal of victims both reflects media governance and can have important implications on the perception of public as well as policy makers.
Studies highlight the paucity of interventions and lack of insights on perpetrators of “modern slavery” and human trafficking as more focus has been on the rescue and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking in recent times. This focus, as a result, has sidelined perpetrators, primarily small perpetrators like recruiters and transporters especially in case of forced labour and little attention has been paid to the reason and motivation of these perpetrators.
COVID-19 is forcing an unprecedented level of reverse migration of Nepali temporary labor migrant workers from around the world. The long and pervasive global economic crisis is expected to have devastating consequences for low-paid migrant workers, who rely on foreign employment to support their families. Using qualitative research design, this study will explore the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic-related reverse migration of Nepali temporary labor migrant workers.
This study aims to use the narratives of migrant workers to document the migration experience and identify the various intermediaries involved in facilitating migration for foreign employment.
The proposed study is supported by International Organization for Migration (ILO) and aims to identify existing gaps, barriers and challenges that both prohibit and inhibit men and women migrant workers from accessing justice with complaints related to recruitment, and also identify practical solutions and policy changes to address these issues.
The primary objective of this study is to understand the situation of Nepali migrant workers’ access to justice amid the Covid-19 pandemic. It is expected that the study will help recommend the Government of Nepal (GoN) for the formulation and implementation of plans and strategies related to effective justice mechanisms.
On behalf of Nepal Planning Commission (NPC) and with the support of ILO, CESLAM is undertaking the task of developing a monitoring and reporting framework to help the NPC establish a standard set of tools and mechanisms on labour migration-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and indicators that would help it report the progress on SDGs to UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The tools and mechanisms will also benefit other actors working in the area of labour and migration and the decent work agenda in Nepal.
CESLAM will provide technical support to the Government of Province 1 to develop approaches, methodological tools and indicators for the migration profile and throughout the execution of the profiling exercise. The migration profile will provide comprehensive provincial data on migration, including data on internal and international migration; in- and out-migration; migration for labour, education, and permanent settlement; skills and labour market integration of returnee migrants; and seasonal and long-term labour migration, to allow the provincial and local governments of Province 1 to optimise the benefits of migration.